Tag: Satire
Mutual Exchange Radio: Christopher Coyne and Abigail Hall on How to Run Wars
This episode is hosted by C4SS’s Elinor Ostrom Chair in the Study of Self Governance, Nathan Goodman. Nathan is joined by Christopher Coyne and Abigail Hall for a deep dive into the authors’ new book, How to Run Wars, A Confidential Playbook for the National Security Elite, available from June 18th on Amazon, or through…
Ten Thoughts on Statues
In times past, people emptied buckets of shit from their windows to the streets below. We can remember this as a historical fact without the streets continuing to be covered in human waste. If you were violently assaulted, you would want people to recognise the injustice but probably wouldn’t be campaigning for a statue of…
Chi Sostiene la Libertà di Parola Dovrebbe Denunciare Charlie Hebdo
Ho saputo del terribile attacco agli impiegati di Charlie Hebdo da mia madre. Guardava i sottotitoli in televisione, telefono in mano, e cercava di mettersi in contatto con mio padre, che in quel momento era in viaggio in Europa. Ho sentito un’ondata di panico; è scomparsa la sensazione di essere completamente estraneo agli eventi. Mio…
Free Speech Supporters Should Still Criticise Charlie Hebdo
I was first made aware of the horrific attack on Charlie Hebdo employees by my mother. She was watching the rolling news coverage, phone in hand, trying to contact my father who was travelling on the Eurostar at the time. A wave of panic rushed through me; the sense of being far removed from such…
È Censura Solo Quando la Fanno gli Altri
L’attacco deplorevole contro il giornale satirico Charlie Hebdo, in cui dei terroristi hanno ucciso dodici persone e ferito altre undici, ha provocato diverse reazioni tra il pubblico, i media più sensibili e i capi di stato che pensano di trarne profitto politico. Nel panico generale, l’islamofobia è riemersa (per via delle ragioni religiose dell’attacco) e…
In Memory of the Charlie Hebdo Victims
Words can hardly convey the grief and disgust felt at Wednesday’s executions of the editor, cartoonists, and others — 10 people in all — at France’s satirical weekly magazine,Charlie Hebdo. Two policemen also were killed, and 11 other people were wounded by the three fanatics who reportedly declared they were avenging the prophet Muhammad, founder of…
It’s Only Censorship When They Do It
The deplorable attack on French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo, in which terrorists killed 12 and wounded 11, incited several reactions from the public, the sensitized media, and heads of state who hope to extract political gain from the matter. Amidst the generalized panic, Islamophobia has risen once again (due to the religious motivations of the attack) and…
Missing Comma: The Pen and the Sword
This morning, there are twelve people who are dead who should not be. Nine journalists, a maintenance worker and two police officers were killed at the Paris headquarters of French satire newspaper Charlie Hebdo on Wednesday. Eleven more were injured; four are still in critical condition as of this writing. Here is a list of the…
Missing Comma (For Real This Time): No, We Don’t Believe Alternet Is Part Of The “Kochtopus”
Last night I published a dumb joke that also served as a semi-congratulations to C4SS’s media coordinator, Thomas L. Knapp, for getting published in Alternet. It was not a well-crafted joke, and as indicated by some of your confused reactions in the comments section, it was much too inside-baseball to work, especially given the low…
This week, popular liberal-progressive news aggregator Alternet published an article by one Thomas Knapp, a former Libertarian Party campaign manager, on Google’s descent into surveillance state madness. While the article had plenty of legitimate points of concern regarding Google’s behavior, and pointed out, quite rightly, that all citizens are considered to be criminals by the State,…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory