Tag: Resilience
Oltre il Reddito di Base Universale
Gettare il seme dell’infrastruttura ecologica universale Di Evan Pierce. Originale pubblicato il 13 aprile 2020 con il titolo Beyond UBI: Sowing the Seeds of Universal Ecological Infrastructure. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Ultimamente, si parla tanto di reddito di base universale (RBU), che servirebbe a riequilibrare le disuguaglianze, affrontare la crescente precarietà data dalla disoccupazione tecnologica,…
Beyond UBI: Sowing the Seeds of Universal Ecological Infrastructure
[Listen to a Mutual Exchange Radio Podcast discussing this essay here] Ideas related to Universal Basic Income (UBI) have been gaining some traction lately with the goals of mitigating inequality, addressing the increasing precarity of technological unemployment, and attempting to ensure that people can meet their basic needs. As an anarchist seeking freedom for all,…
Smoky Mountain Resilience
Centennial  I’ve lived in the foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains for most of my life. I cannot thank my parents enough for taking me on excursions to the park. Among the parks wild waters, forested canopy, steep slopes and rugged terrain I learned at a young age to respect the natural environment. This respect…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory