Tag: human resource departments
È Ora di Liberare l’Istruzione Online
Dan Friedman (“The MOOC Revolution That Wasn’t,” TechCrunch, 11 settembre) esprime non poco disappunto sul fatto che i corsi online dei college deludono le aspettative create qualche anno fa. In termini di completamento dei corsi e di frequenza delle lezioni, dice, “la rivoluzione ha fallito”. Ma se ha fallito una ragione c’è. Il modello predominante…
Time to Jailbreak Online Education
Dan Friedman (“The MOOC Revolution That Wasn’t,” TechCrunch, September 11),  expresses no little disappointment over the way online college courses measure up to initial hopes over the past few years. In terms of course completion and even viewing entire lectures, he says, “that revolution fizzled.” But it fizzled for good reason. The predominant online course model has…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory