Tag: Hitler
La belleza del nacionalismo
De Alex Aragona. Artículo original: The Beauty of Nationalism, publicado el 3 de octubre de 2020. Traducción al español por Vince Cerberus. Todos tenemos prejuicios, y para muchas personas el nacionalismo (incluso el grado más pequeño) es uno de ellos. Sin embargo, si su objetivo es entender el mundo, los sentimientos nacionalistas no le darán la…
The Beauty of Nationalism
We all have biases, and for many people nationalism (even the smallest degree of it) is one of them. However, if your goal is to understand the world, nationalist sentiments won’t give you the sturdiest foundation to do so. Nationalism shortcuts our thinking about the world. It awards a disproportionate amount of virtue points to…
“Peace Through Strength,” And Other Lies
This column was inspired by one of Rupert Murdoch’s tweets on September 6: “Big military brings peace through strength.” A cliched tweet by Murdoch isn’t what most people would consider a news hook. But it’s just the latest expression — caveman syntax perhaps included — of an insidious idea that anyone born in the United…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist Review 72
Robert Parry discusses risking nuclear war for the sake of Ukraine. Thomas Harrington discusses the aftermath of the Kosovo intervention. Eric Margolis discusses the Hitler path. Ajamu Nangwaya discusses the struggle for liberation in Haiti. Ron Jacobs discusses an assassination carried out by Pinochet’s forces. Andrew Levine discusses Obama and potential war with Russia. Gene…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist And Chess Review 63
Helen Dale discusses stories vs numbers. Bruce Fein discusses the AWOL status of Congress on drones. Kathy Deacon discusses a book on the revolutionary war. Patrick Cockburn discusses the reason for torture. Joseph Stromberg discusses command posts and the state. Patrick Cockburn discusses ISIS. Jacob G. Hornberger discusses the CIA. Leonard C. Goodman discusses blowback….
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory