Tag: Gang Leader For A Day
Floating Through New York’s Underground Economy on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents James C. Wilson‘s “Floating Through New York’s Underground Economy,” — a review of Floating City: A Rogue Sociologist Lost and Found in New York’s Underground Economy, by Sudhir Venkatesh. It is read by Athena Roberts and edited by Tony Dreher. Readers with libertarian, voluntarist or anti-prohibitionist leanings will be simultaneously pleased…
Floating through New York’s Underground Economy
Floating City: A Rogue Sociologist Lost and Found in New York’s Underground Economy, by Sudhir Venkatesh Penguin Press (2013) Sudhir Venkatesh’s Floating City documents the author’s time in 21st century New York among the city’s “hustlers, strivers, dealers (and) call girls,” as one of the book’s alternate subtitles describes it. The book is largely a…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory