Tag: drug crimes
Contro l’Indulgenza Selettiva
Il 13 luglio Obama ha annunciato l’intenzione di concedere uno sconto di pena a 46 detenuti. Dozzine di questi sono condannati per reati legati alla droga e altri reati non violenti. Tredici erano ergastolani. Una buona notizia, senza dubbio. È bene festeggiare ogni vittoria, per quanto piccola, nella lotta contro l’industria carceraria razzista. Gli sconti…
Against Selective Leniency
On July 13, President Obama announced that he will commute the sentences of 46 imprisoned individuals. Among them are several dozen drug offenders and a score of other nonviolent lawbreakers. Thirteen of them were serving life in prison. This is undeniably good news. Any victory, no matter how small, in the fight against the racist prison-industrial complex is worth celebrating. Obama’s…
Would Marco Archer Survive in Brazil?
With the execution of Brazilian citizen Marco Archer in Indonesia on 01/17 for cocaine trafficking, one question remains: Will the war on drugs continue to revert the achievements of civilization with cruel and absurd penalties? It is not only Indonesia that punishes the purchase and sale of banned drugs. According to Harm Reduction International, an…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory