Tag: Ancient Greece
New Greek Philosophy Virtual Reading Group with Roderick Long
Virtual reading groups are a way to learn better together. Participants meet for 90 minutes a week to discuss freely supplied readings with a scholar’s help. Mutual respect, curiosity, and consistent participation are expected. Meetings are recorded so others can learn from our conversations. Applicants will be emailed further instructions on how to participate. The ancient Greeks were…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist Review 122
Peter Van Buren discusses U.S. foreign policy. Roderick T. Long discusses Ancient Greece and liberty. Stephen Kinzer discusses the Iran nuclear deal and the forces working to derail it. Shay Lafontaine discusses NATO and the humanitarian disemberment of Yugoslavia. Dan Sanchez discusses superhero movies and post-9/11 themes. Ivan Eland discusses U.S. foreign policy. Binoy Kampmark…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory