Limiting Conditions and Local Desires on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Shawn P. Wilbur‘s “Limiting Conditions and Local Desires” read and edited by Tony Dreher. If we are to find a social order that more closely resembles emergent harmony them armed peace or open war, what are we to do? If we cannot take, then perhaps we can give. We know the…
Are We All Mutualists? on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Kevin Carson‘s “Are We All Mutualists?” read and edited by Tony Dreher. I consider a system avowedly based on occupancy-and-use, in which a piece of land becomes open for homesteading after some reasonable period of vacancy, to be the most desirable because it explicitly takes occupancy-based ownership as its goal and…
The State, War and Empire (3 of 3) on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Gary Chartier’s “The State, War and Empire” (Part 3 of 3), read by Christopher B. King and edited by Nick Ford. …excerpted from Gary Chartier’s The Conscience of an Anarchist, available for purchase here. Feed 44: Bitcoin tips welcome: 1N1pF6fLKAGg4nH7XuqYQbKYXNxCnHBWLB
Will Truly Free Markets be Truly Different? on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Steve Horwitz‘s “Will Truly Free Markets be Truly Different?” read and edited by Tony Dreher. As I have argued before, I find it a very convenient coincidence that the left-libertarian picture of a free market society just happens to line up almost exactly with the world that many on the traditional…
Corporate Capitalism, Not Simply a Product of the State on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Derek Wall‘s “Corporate Capitalism, Not Simply a Product of the State” read and edited by Tony Dreher. I think there are number of arguments to suggest that if we replaced corporate control with market competition, we would, in a relatively short time, be back to concentrated markets. I am, incidentally, a…
Will Free Markets Recreate Corporate Capitalism? on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Kevin Carson‘s “Will Free Markets Recreate Corporate Capitalism?” read and edited by Tony Dreher. And when I say “free markets,” I am not referring to a society in which the majority of economic functions are organized through money exchange (the “cash nexus”) or business firms. By “free market” I mean only…
At Reason War is Peace … and TPP is “Free Trade” on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Kevin Carson‘s “At Reason War is Peace … and TPP is “Free Trade” read and edited by Tony Dreher. Did you know President Obama’s “core legacy” is free trade — and the centerpiece of this alleged “free trade” policy is the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)? Neither did I. But that’s what Shikha…
Autonomy for the Students of PSU on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Joe Szymanski‘s “Autonomy for the Students of PSU” read and edited by Tony Dreher. Although this topic has been simmering beneath the surface on campuses nationwide for some time, ever since the Ferguson protests, police militarization has become a headline even for mainstream media outlets. Reports have been going around about…
The Campaign Needs a Radical, But Sanders Isn’t It on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Sheldon Richman‘s “The Campaign Needs a Radical, But Sanders Isn’t It” read and edited by Tony Dreher. Sanders cannot and will not see that expanding the welfare/regulatory bureaucracy would not help those outside the ruling elite. Beefing up the state won’t liberate us. Despite his intentions, Sanders is an unwitting defender…
Charter Schools and Other Right Libertarian False Gods on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Kevin Carson‘s “Charter Schools and Other Right Libertarian False Gods” read by John Moore and edited by Tony Dreher. If you’re the kind of libertarian who objects to the public schools on those grounds, charter schools aren’t any kind of alternative at all. Students in New Orleans public schools — where…
Black Jurors Need Not Apply on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Roderick Long‘s “Black Jurors Need Not Apply” read by Moses Sayre Sukin and edited by Tony Dreher. The way in which jurors are chosen in the United States is intended to ensure an unbiased jury; and part of that process is the right of “peremptory challenge,” by which the prosecution and…
The State, War and Empire (2 of 3) on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Gary Chartier’s “The State, War and Empire” (Part 2 of 3), read by Christopher B. King and edited by Nick Ford. …excerpted from Gary Chartier’s The Conscience of an Anarchist, available for purchase here. Feed 44: Bitcoin tips welcome: 1N1pF6fLKAGg4nH7XuqYQbKYXNxCnHBWLB
The State, War and Empire (1 of 3) on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Gary Chartier’s “The State, War and Empire” (Part 1 of 3), read by Christopher B. King and edited by Nick Ford. …excerpted from Gary Chartier’s The Conscience of an Anarchist, available for purchase here. Feed 44: Bitcoin tips welcome: 1N1pF6fLKAGg4nH7XuqYQbKYXNxCnHBWLB
The State, Big Business and Economic Privilege (7 of 7) on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Gary Chartier’s “The State, Big Business and Economic Privilege” (Part 7 of 7), read by Christopher B. King and edited by Nick Ford. …excerpted from Gary Chartier’s The Conscience of an Anarchist, available for purchase here. Feed 44: Bitcoin tips welcome: 1N1pF6fLKAGg4nH7XuqYQbKYXNxCnHBWLB
The State, Big Business and Economic Privilege (6 of 7) on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Gary Chartier’s “The State, Big Business and Economic Privilege” (Part 6 of 7), read by Christopher B. King and edited by Nick Ford. …excerpted from Gary Chartier’s The Conscience of an Anarchist, available for purchase here. Feed 44: Bitcoin tips welcome: 1N1pF6fLKAGg4nH7XuqYQbKYXNxCnHBWLB
The State, Big Business and Economic Privilege (5 of 7) on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Gary Chartier’s “The State, Big Business and Economic Privilege” (Part 5 of 7), read by Christopher B. King and edited by Nick Ford. …excerpted from Gary Chartier’s The Conscience of an Anarchist, available for purchase here. Feed 44: Bitcoin tips welcome: 1N1pF6fLKAGg4nH7XuqYQbKYXNxCnHBWLB
The State, Big Business and Economic Privilege (4 of 7) on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Gary Chartier’s “The State, Big Business and Economic Privilege” (Part 4 of 7), read by Christopher B. King and edited by Nick Ford. …excerpted from Gary Chartier’s The Conscience of an Anarchist, available for purchase here. Feed 44: Bitcoin tips welcome: 1N1pF6fLKAGg4nH7XuqYQbKYXNxCnHBWLB
The State, Big Business and Economic Privilege (3 of 7) on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Gary Chartier’s “The State, Big Business and Economic Privilege” (Part 3 of 7), read by Christopher B. King and edited by Nick Ford. …excerpted from Gary Chartier’s The Conscience of an Anarchist, available for purchase here. Feed 44: Bitcoin tips welcome: 1N1pF6fLKAGg4nH7XuqYQbKYXNxCnHBWLB
The State, Big Business and Economic Privilege (2 of 7) on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Gary Chartier‘s “The State, Big Business and Economic Privilege” (Part 2 of 7), read by Christopher B. King and edited by Nick Ford. …excerpted from Gary Chartier’s The Conscience of an Anarchist, available for purchase here. Feed 44: Bitcoin tips welcome: 1N1pF6fLKAGg4nH7XuqYQbKYXNxCnHBWLB
C4SS Audio/Visual Coordinator Report – November 2015
Article Uploads In November, I uploaded the following 6 readings from myself, John Moore, and Moses Sayre Sukin to the YouTube and the Jellycast feeds. Black Jurors Need Not Apply by Roderick Long Charter Schools, and Other Right-Libertarian False Gods by Kevin Carson The Campaign Needs a Radical, But Sanders Isn’t It by Sheldon Richman Will Truly Free…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory