Click below to watch C4SS senior fellow Roderick Long’s lecture on “How (and Why) to Be a Free-Market Radical Leftist.” This lecutre was originally presented as part of the Liberty Webinars, a format of online lectures with a subsequent discussion, organized by Students for Liberty CZ together with Slovak Students For Liberty.
How do free markets go together with leftism, and what is left-libertarianism? Are the markets in fact the best methods for addressing conventional leftist values, like concerns for discrimination, exclusion and hierarchy? Why might a libertarian reject capitalism?
Roderick is a professor of philosophy at Auburn University, editor of The Industrial Radical and Molinari Review, and co-editor of The Journal of Ayn Rand Studies. He is also a founding member of the Alliance of the Libertarian Left and senior fellow at the Center for a Stateless Society, and president of Molinari Institute and Molinari Society. You can read his blogs at and, or watch his youtube channel Agoric Cafe.