Tag: science
Bagaimana Jika Anakmu Trans?
Oleh: James C. Wilson. Teks aslinya berjudul “What if Your Child Was Trans?” Diterjemahkan ke Bahasa Indonesia oleh Iman Amirullah. Saya telah bertahun-tahun mengadvokasi hak-hak trans, termasuk hak-hak trans remaja dan orang tua mereka, dengan pendampingan dokter, untuk memilih jenis layanan kesehatan yang mereka butuhkan. Saya melihat kebebasan ini sebagai bentuk menyelamatkan kehidupan. Meskipun begitu,…
Что, если твой ребенок станет трансгендерным человеком?
James C. Wilson, What if Your Child Was Trans? June 8 2023. На протяжении многих лет я выступаю за права трансгендерных людей. В это входит право трансгендерной молодежи и их родителей, под руководством своих врачей, получать те медицинские услуги, которые они считают нужными.  Я считаю эту свободу жизненно необходимой. При этом я из довольно консервативной…
What if Your Child Was Trans?
I have for years been an advocate of trans rights. This includes the rights of trans youth and their parents, with the guidance of their doctors, to pursue whatever health care they see fit. I see this freedom as life-saving. That said, I am from a rather conservative background, in which many people I know…
Pil: L’ultimo Rifugio dei Furfanti?
Di Kevin Carson. Titolo originale: GDP: The Last Refuge of Scoundrels? dell’undici aprile 2023. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Da anni i libertari di destra amano diffondere numeri sulla “popolazione mondiale che vive in povertà estrema”, per dire che la povertà diminuisce in termini relativi dal 1815, e in termini assoluti dal 1980 circa. Il problema…
GDP: The Last Refuge of Scoundrels?
For years, right libertarians have loved to throw around the “World population living in extreme poverty” metric, which shows extreme poverty shrinking steadily as a share of the population from 1815 on, and then in absolute terms since about 1980. The problem is that “extreme poverty” is defined in monetary terms, as living on less…
Back on March 14, 2020, I began a series on the Coronavirus, which continued through 35 installments (the most recent of which was posted on November 10, 2021). This is not technically an installment of that series, but it addresses another kind of infection, which persists to this day among a certain brand of “libertarians”—who exhibited symptoms of it way back…
Tutta la Scienza è Parassitaria
Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato il primo febbraio 2016 con il titolo Je Suis #ResearchParasite. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. In un editoriale pubblicato sul New England Journal of Medicine (“Data Sharing,” 21 gennaio), Dan Longo e Jeffrey Drazen inventano un nuovo curioso termine: “parassita della ricerca”. Gli autori in teoria dicono: Condividere le informazioni è…
Scienza o Gerarchia?
[Di Xavier Zambrana-Puyalto. Originale pubblicato su Center for a Stateless Society il 13 dicembre 2016 con il titolo Science or Hierarchy? Traduzione di Enrico Sanna.] Nel mondo accademico c’è una sensazione diffusa: tutto potrebbe essere fatto molto meglio. Ma cos’è esattamente che non va bene? A mio parere, il problema principale è che abbiamo permesso…
Science or Hierarchy?
There is a general feeling in the academic world: things could be done in a much better way. But what exactly has gone wrong? I would argue the main problem is that we have allowed ‘irrational authority’ (also known as hierarchy) to take over reason and knowledge. To start, let me differentiate between rational and…
Je Suis #ResearchParasite
In an editorial at the New England Journal of Medicine (“Data Sharing,” Jan. 21), Dan Longo and Jeffrey Drazen have coined an interesting new term: “research parasite.” In theory, the authors say: Data sharing is beautiful. But when you get down to all the practical details, it turns out to be one of those beautiful…
Natural Law, or Don’t Put a Rubber on Your Willy
The laws of God, the laws of Man, He may keep who will, and can; Not I: let God and man decree Laws for themselves and not for me. –A.E. Housman Political Myth and Self-Hypnosis A rose by any other name Would never, never smell the same And cunning is the nose that knows An…
Karl Hess: Presidential Speechwriter Turned Homesteader
Karl Hess: Presidential Speechwriter Turned Homesteader Interview by Anson Mount (Mother Earth News) (Originally published in Mother Earth News, January/February, 1976 issue) Introduction It was so easy back then — during the 1950’s and early 60’s — to be a Right Thinking Citizen of the United States. Easy because we all knew who wore the…
Carl Sagan and the Beginning of History
Our pale blue dot has circled its star eighteen times since it lost the astronomer who gave us the perspective to see it that way — and that phrase. Carl Sagan is not usually remembered as a political prophet, aside from pioneering recognition of the dangers of nuclear war and remaining an inspiration to opponents of drug criminalization. But his…
Decentralizing Science: Local Biohacking
Sebastian A.B.: The amateur, tinkering genius in her garage now finds a home with communities of researchers engaged in playful cleverness. Biology, formerly prohibitively expensive, is now fertile ground for the hacking of positive Black Swans.
Support C4SS with Gertrude B. Kelly’s “State Aid to Science”
For every copy of Gertrude B. Kelly’s “State Aid to Science” that you purchase through the Distro, C4SS will receive a percentage.
Libertarians for Junk Science
Kevin Carson on politically selective criticism of junk science.
The Problem with Privatization
Thomas L. Knapp juxtaposes the sham privatization currently practiced with real privatization.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory