Score One for the Free Market Left
Kevin Carson responds to Wilkinson and Boudreaux.
Sleep in Friday, Attend Small Business Saturday
If you support free markets, orient yourself more locally starting this week by avoiding Black Friday and supporting Small Business Saturday. Distant producers are majorly disadvantaged by unprivileged markets!
Privacy or State Monopoly on Info?
David D’Amato discusses federal preparations to violate privacy in the name of protecting it.
Can’t We All Just Not Get Along?
Kevin Carson explains that the notion of Obama being ‘hard-left’ is laughable.
Enjoy It While You Can
Kevin Carson explains that the Tea Party is about to learn the same cruel lessons in political futility that progressives have had their noses rubbed in by Obama.
In Which I Am Discouraged by the US Pirate Party
Kevin Carson on not enough truth in advertising.
Yes — The Rent Really Is Too Damn High!
Kevin Carson riffs on Jimmy McMillan’s assessment of housing costs.
The Robin Hood Tax is but a Bandaid on the Corporatist Economy
We need to stop abusive and reckless corporate behavior by removing the policies which cartelize wealth in an anti-market fashion, not keep what we have and redistribute the wealth through the state.
Michael Moore Almost Gets It Right
Kevin Carson notices Moore getting so, very, very close to understanding the relationship between statism and monopoly capitalism — but, frustratingly, not quite.
The Myth of Immaculate Expertise
Kevin Carson responds to Bryan Caplan’s “The Myth of the Rational Voter”.
Civic Engagement is for Suckers
Kevin Carson on progressives as Sisyphus.
The “Economic Freedom Index” Isn’t
In a recent article for Reason magazine (“Freer is Better,” October 14th),  John Stossel discusses the downgrading of the United States on the Economic Freedom Index from sixth to eighth place — “behind Canada!”  The index is based on several matrices, including freedom of movement of capital, the amount of business regulation, and levels of…
They Can’t Handle the Truth
Thomas L. Knapp: “The state wants to know everything about you, but politicians want absolute control over what you can know about them.”
Liberal Authoritarianism: A Senescent Disorder Of State Capitalism
Kevin Carson: “[T]wentieth century liberalism is essentially Schumpeterian. It identifies with the large, hierarchical, managerialist organization the same way the French politiques identified with the absolute monarchs four hundred years ago.”
Ricochets of D’Souza and Krugman
Paul Krugman and Dinesh D’Souza both wander past the point that is always dying to be made: producers should own what they labor to create, and the status quo is not the product of a free market.
Proprietary Content: A Force for Totalitarianism
Kevin Carson: “…because of copyright enforcement problems presented by digital technology, the “cognitive capitalism” model requires increasing levels of authoritarianism… to stay tenable.”
Anarcho-“Capitalism” is Impossible
Anna Morgenstern on words and their meanings.
“I’ve Never Seen a Poor Person Give Anyone a Job”
Kevin Carson on the myth of statist capitalism as alleged provider of jobs.
A Libertarian in Solidarity with the Jimmy Johns Workers’ Union
Ross Kenyon takes a look at how libertarians instantly and unfairly discount labor movements as statist, when they are truly just reacting against the original statism of capitalists. Libertarians should look at this in a more even-keeled light!
“The Law” Doesn’t Matter
Kevin Carson: “When you play by the rules, the house wins — because the rules are mainly designed to benefit the people who make the rules.”
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory