Tag: writing
IA e a verdadeira pílula difícil de engolir
Por Kevin Carson. Artigo original: AI and the Real Hard Pill to Swallow, de 14 de agosto 2024. Traduzido para o porguguês por Ruan L. Na Foundation for Economic Education (cf. “The Ego vs. The Machine”, 24/02/2024), Dylan Allman, autointitulado “tecno-otimista”, rejeita as controvérsias recentes acerca da IA como uma simples questão de egos machucados….
L’intelligenza Artificiale e la Vera Pillola Amara
Di Kevin Carson. Articolo originale: AI and the Real Hard Pill to Swallow, del 14 agosto 2024. Traduzione italiana di Enrico Sanna. Il sedicente “tecno-ottimista” Dylan Allman, in un articolo su Foundation for Economic Education (“The Ego vs. the Machine,” 24 febbraio), liquida gli scettici dell’intelligenza artificiale (IA) come persone dall’ego ferito. “Più o meno…
AI and the Real Hard Pill to Swallow
At Foundation for Economic Education (“The Ego vs. the Machine,” February 24), self-described “techno-optimist” Dylan Allman dismisses recent controversies over AI as a simple matter of wounded egos. “They feel, on some instinctual level, that if machines can do what they do — only better, faster, and more efficiently — then what value do they…
Mutual Exchange Radio: Dennis Danvers on Writing, Sci-Fi, and the Weirdness of Time
Alex McHugh interviews sci-fi author Dennis Danvers on anarchist ideas in fiction, his books The Watch and Leaving the Dead, and the life of a writer. Mr. Danvers has written a variety of well-received sci-fi novels, including Circuit of Heaven, Time and Time Again, and End of Days, as well as the Locus and Bram Stoker…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory