Tag: peer to peer
Uber and Lyft sometimes get cited as agorist ventures by misguided anarcho-capitalists. While it could be claimed that these models are slightly more agorist in nature than the traditional taxi industry, it is far from the model we should be striving for. Instead of being an agorist model for transportation services, it is merely traditional…
Cory Doctorow (2017). Walkaway. New York: Tor I. The story opens at a communist party in an unspecified post-industrial town in Ontario sometime in the late middle of this century, from the first-person perspective of Hubert, Etc. A communist party, you should understand, is not an institution but a social event: something like a rave at…
Em um referendo do mês passado, a cidade de Austin, no estado americano do Texas, rejeitou uma medida para reverter as regulações municipais dos serviços de “ride-sharing”. Embora os principais apoiadores das regulamentações tenham sido os monopólios de taxistas (que se ressentiam de ter que competir com outros monopólios proprietários como o Uber e o…