Tag: panopticon
Turchia: un Carcere Panottico per Ottanta Milioni
Di Kaan Göktas. Originale pubblicato il primo marzo 2023 con il titolo Turkey: Panopticon Prison of 80 Million People. Tradotto in italiano da Enrico Sanna. Nonostante fosse stato pensato come sistema carcerario, il panottico proposto dal filosofo inglese Jeremy Bentham era in realtà un modo per indurre all’autocensura. Nel panottico i detenuti vivono in celle…
Turki: Penjara Panoptikon bagi 80 Juta Orang
Oleh: Kaan Göktaş. Teks aslinya berjudul “Turkey: Panopticon Prison of 80 Million People”. Diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia oleh Ameyuri Ringo. Support Ringo by considering becoming his Patron. Model Panoptikon yang dikemukakan oleh filsuf Inggris Jeremy Bentham sejatinya merupakan mekanisme sensor mandiri. Para narapidana ditempatkan dalam sel yang disusun secara melingkar dengan bagian depan yang…
Turkey: Panopticon Prison of 80 Million People
The Panopticon model, proposed by the British philosopher Jeremy Bentham, is actually a mechanism of self-censorship. Prisoners in cells arranged in a ring with completely open fronts would have to control their own actions and not do anything wrong in order not to be punished, since they would not know when the guards in the…
The Weekly Abolitionist: GPS Tracking as an Alternative to Prisons?
Dylan Matthews recently published an article at Vox titled Prisons are terrible, and there’s finally a way to get rid of them. Matthews’ article starts out strong, beginning with an explanation of the horrific costs of prisons. He describes the appalling rates of physical and sexual assault, the data on systemic racism, and the costs…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory