Tag: john stossel
The Cult of the Constitution on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Cory Massimino‘s “The Cult of the Constitution” from the Students for a Stateless Society‘s Volume 1, Issue 1 of THE NEW LEVELLER read by Stephen Ledger and edited by Nick Ford. Stossel’s guest was Timothy Sandefur, the author of The Conscience of the Constitution. Despite acknowledging the Constitution’s repeated failures at…
“Libertarian” Stossel Marginally Less Statist Than Trump
Seemingly John Stossel never sits down to write without the goal of further lowering the bar for qualifying as a libertarian. This time (“My Trump Problem,” Reason, Nov. 11), he’s managed to push the criterion to the all-time low of being somewhat less statist than Donald Trump. Stossel’s first problem with Trump allegedly centers on…
Move Over, Hollywood: Stossel’s Writing His Own Fantasy
Every time I write a commentary on one of John Stossel’s godawful columns, I tell myself I’ll lay off him for a while. But good lord, this latest wretched little piece of pro-corporate apologetics (“Corporations Have Become Hollywood’s Go-To Villains,” Reason, July 1) is about the worst thing he’s ever done. The biggest challenge any…
John Stossel: paródia de uma autoparódia
Toda vez que leio uma coluna de John Stossel, acho que minha consideração por ele cai até o mínimo possível. Então leio a seguinte. Por anos, Stossel admite a ideia de que “pró-mercado” e “pró-empresas” não são sinônimos. Ocasionalmente, ele dá algum exemplo de medidas de assistência às grandes corporações e aos ricos, como o…
John Stossel: A Parody of Self-Parody
Every time I read a column by John Stossel, I think my estimation of him has fallen to its theoretical limit. And then I read the next one. For years, Stossel has tipped his hat to the idea that “pro-market” and “pro-business” are not the same thing. He occasionally gives an example of welfare for…
O que é que Stossel está defendendo mesmo?
Criei a expressão “libertarianismo vulgar” alguns anos atrás para descrever a atitude de notórios libertários ao defender reflexivamente o sistema capitalista corporativo atual como se fosse o “livre mercado”. Para eles, os princípios de “livre mercado” justificam os males da economia corporativista. Recentemente, pude testemunhar um dos piores exemplos desse fenômeno, cortesia de John Stossel…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory