Tag: FCC
Media e Stato Corporativo
Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato il 2 aprile 2016 con il titolo The Media and the Corporate State. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. In un’intervista con Cenk Uygur del 23 marzo, Bernie Sanders diceva: “In questo paese, i media sono un’arma della classe di potere,” e proseguiva citando le concentrazioni industriali (ad esempio, la Disney che…
The Media and the Corporate State
In an interview with Cenk Uygur March 23, Bernie Sanders noted, “The media is an arm of the ruling class of this country,” going on to point out its concentrated corporate ownership (for example, Disney’s ownership of ABC, Comcast’s of NBC, etc). This corporate media have a vested interest in not covering real news in…
Missing Comma: Yes, You Can Say That on the Radio
Radio is one of those things that most people just don’t get enthusiastic about. Sure, it’s nice to have on in the background when you’re driving, but the days of gathering around the radio for the latest news, radio dramas and presidential addresses pretty much ended with the introduction of TV. Radio gave a voice…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory