Tag: climate crisis
Di Kevin Carson. Originale: The Climate Denial Machine’s Fake Statistics Just Keep On Coming, del 18 ottobre 2023. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. In un precedente articolo dicevo di Ron Bailey (e gli “esperti” climatici da lui vantati) che su Reason si baloccava coi numeri del pil nel tentativo di minimizzare i danni causati dai cambiamenti…
In a previous column, I examined the way Reason’s Ron Bailey (and the hack climate “scientists” he showcases) have toyed with GDP statistics in an attempt to downplay the harm from climate change. It looks like Ron and his buddies have some competition in the “Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics” category — it’s coming from…
Now I want to preface this essay by stating the fact that I am, by and large, against the usage of single-use plastic goods. We absolutely need to transition away from such things as fast as possible, and should look for functional alternatives to all such goods. But, that’s the key word: functional. Truth is,…