No Work for the Weary
David D’Amato on the latest unemployment figures.
Obama Marxism Watch — Be Very Afraid!
Fine American Patriot Kevin Carson sets you pinko twerps straight about Obama’s latest choice for a chief of staff, Bill Daley — and much more!
Sudan and the Democracy of the Market
David D’Amato on Sudan, secession, sovereignty and self-government of single individuals.
Statist “Private Property” Is Theft
David D’Amato finds a recent court decision makes an excellent opportunity to examine the concept of property.
Regulatory Capture: A Problem of Institutional Structure, Not Individual Ethics
Kevin Carson: “Even the showcase regulatory legislation of the Progressive Era . . . was passed mainly under pressure from big business. It served the primary purpose of restricting competition in the regulated industries . . . “
The Elephant(s) in the Room for the GOP
David D’Amato compares U.S. political “wars” to the endless war of stalemate in Orwell’s 1984. Both are charades carried out for sake of utility to a ruling class.
Anarchists in America
Darian Worden: Anarchism is not a historical curiosity or occasional nuisance, but a viable alternative to the harm done by authority.
Renting Our Lives from the State
David D’Amato on Bank of America’s $3 billion settlement agreement with Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae.
Damning Corporate Capitalism With Faint Praise
Kevin Carson on the productivity of technology growing faster than the Political Class can monopolize its bounty.
After Wikileaks, There’s No Way to Go But Forward
Thomas L. Knapp asks what the stateless society will look like and says we’re going to find out.
Neoliberalism: All the Taxes of Social Democracy, None of the Fun
Kevin Carson: “…if you call yourself a libertarian, don’t try to kid anybody that the American system is less statist than the German one just because more of the welfare queens wear three-piece suits.”
Bradley Manning: One Soldier Who Really Did “Defend Our Freedom”
Kevin Carson: “I think the last time American soldiers actually fought for the freedom of Americans was probably the Revolutionary War . . . But I can think of one exception.”
Bribery, Thy Name Is Government
David Damato: “If we’re supposed to see a difference between the legitimate bribes that happen in politics every day and the illegitimate bribes that the Justice Department prosecutes, that difference is elusive.”
Attack Tyranny at Its Weakest Link — Enforcement
Kevin Carson explains why it’s more efficient to bypass bad laws than attempt to reform them.
Speed Bumps on the Information Superhighway
David D’Amato discusses Facebook, IP and more.
Chris Christie Won’t Solve Public Education
Darian Worden: Conservatives just want government education to be a cheaper problem.
Greece Ignores Labor’s True Value
David D’Amato analyzes the public transit strike in Greece.
Back in the USSA
Kevin Carson explains that we have now is not a free enterprise system, but that such is the liberatory goal of the free market left.
Iraq’s New Government Is As Old As Time
David D’Amato delivers a critical assessment of recent reshuffling in the Iraqi puppet regime.
Statism: An Unfalsifiable Religion
Kevin Carson on the “heads government wins and tails government doesn’t lose” mentality.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory