Our Twin Lineage: New Agoric Cafe Episodes!

If you haven’t subscribed to Roderick Long’s Agoric Cafe YouTube channel yet, you’re really missing out! On the Agoric Cafe channel, you can find videos and interviews “devoted to philosophy, politics, history, literature, and whatever else [Roderick feels] like sounding off on.” The interview episodes have been interesting and explorative and the most recent two will be of particular interest to C4SS readers.

First, for more classic libertarian fare check out this interview about polycentric mercantile law with Bruce Benson:

Episode description: Roderick Long chats with economist Bruce L. Benson about polycentric mercantile law in medieval Europe and among the Plains Indians; whether private law can work outside of small homogeneous communities; causation vs. correlation in the gun control debate; the perils of scissors-and-paste history; the abolition of criminal law; the incentival perversities of the reservation system; the inevitability of the state; and what intellectual debt he owes to the u.s. military.


Then, for a look at the other side of C4SS, watch this one on worker co-ops and wildcat strikes with Jack Ran of the Groundwork Book Collective:

Episode description: Continuing the San Diego bookstores series, Roderick Long chats with Jack Ran of the Groundwork Book Collective, a radical left-wing bookstore on the campus of UCSD. Topics include running a bookstore as an egalitarian collective; participating in wildcat strikes; surviving arson attacks; the dynamics of anarchist/Marxist cooperation; conflicts with the university administration; what campus leftists owe to Donald Trump; and the joys of reading Proudhon, Kevin Carson, and Shawn Wilbur.


Hope you enjoyed this update on Agoric Cafe!

Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory