Director’s Report: Summer 2018

This summer saw an array of developments at the Center, and we’re on the edge of revealing even more.

After a long preparation we launched an in-house store with books, zines, stickers, buttons, and apparel. Your support since launch has been overwhelming, but thanks to the amazing work of our financial coordinator we’ve stayed on top of orders. This fall we’re pleased to announce that we’ll be integrating a host of further materials from the old Distro of the Libertarian Left. In addition we’ve listened to feedback and we’re in the process of contracting artists and designers to further expand our offerings.

Translation efforts have continued apace, this month we’ll be publishing a complete French translation of Kevin Carson’s seminal book, Studies In Mutualist Political Economy. We’re still looking for translators in a number of languages that anarchists have less of a footprint in, so if you’re a native speaker in for example Arabic, get at us if you’d like to earn a little coin.

We’re in the lead up to our next Mutual Exchange symposium, this one on the subject of revolution. Work our Mutual Exchange compilation books is nearly finished and ready to be sent off to the printers.

It’s important that we stay open and share what talents we have, in that vein for many years now we’ve offered internships for up and coming anarchists looking to get paid experience. We’re in the process of selecting a new batch, but if you have a interest in editing, translating, graphic design, and audio production there’s still time! Write us if you’d like to get involved.

In the rest of 2018 we’re looking forward to launching a podcast and moving more recorded materials to our youtube channel.

Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory