These are our numbers for October, 2015:
- 10 op-eds published.
- 37 pickups and citations (average of 3.7 per article, up from 2.8 last month).
- The most republished op-ed of the month was Jason Farrell’s “Why Libertarians are Failing at Politics,” which managed to get 9 pickups. Notably, it was run on both the online and print versions of Utah’s The Spectrum. Among others, it was also picked up by Western Journalism and New Hampshire’s Sentinel Source.
- The runner up of the month was Roderick Long’s “Black Jurors Need Not Apply“, which was picked up 6 times. The St. Louis American ran it both in print and online. It was also picked up by Delaware Black, a news outlet that focuses on the African-American community.
- Delaware Black also picked up Nick Ford’s op-ed “P. Diddy as the Rational Voter” and Ryan Calhoun’s “There is No Pipeline, Schools are Prisons.” The latter was run on the similarly African-American-centered DC Black as well. In total, Nick Ford’s piece got four pickups and Ryan Calhoun’s got five. The other one of our pieces that got picked up four times was Joel Schlosberg’s “What Really Happened to the Playboy Bunny?“
- Chad Nelson’s article “Animals Aren’t Property: Circus Edition” was picked up by the Costa Rica News, and while our relationship with them has been very productive, it was even more satisfying to see that the their editor took the time to expand on the piece and link it to Costa Rica’s issues with animal preservation. I encourage all to read it.
Month after month we’re getting better numbers and our writing is getting more visibility. I am personally quite happy with how we’ve managed to expand our media operation in the last few months.
If you think that we’re doing valuable work, contribute to our efforts and donate!
It’s your donation that keeps C4SS running.
Erick Vasconcelos
Media Coordinator