Market Anarchism FAQ


“We can no longer blind ourselves to the fact that concentrated economic power has become as reckless and ruthless and coercive as concentrated political power.

We can no longer attack subsidies for the poor while supporting even greater subsidies for the rich.

We can no longer speak of protecting freedom in the world by turning the world into protective hamlets. We can no longer oppose tyranny by emulating it.

We cannot speak of individual freedom and free communities, self-reliance and self-responsibility, while honoring the assembly line, promoting urban demolition, and making fetish of commodities. We cannot speak of honest work while honest working people are alienated from the work and treated as mere extensions of their machines.

We cannot attack the abuses of arrogant and bureaucratic labor leaders without attacking the abuses of arrogant and bureaucratic industrial and business leaders.

We cannot speak of a land of liberty and a national-security state in the same breath — we must defend freedom at home if we are ever to have freedom in the world.

We cannot speak of a sweet land of liberty when the very land is soured by greed of those who turn the landscape into real estate, who turn the rivers into open sewers, who see in every living thing nothing but a dollar in the process.” –Karl Hess, Dear America, 1975.


“Our goal is not to assume leadership of existing institutions, but rather to render them irrelevant. We don’t want to take over the state or change its policies. We want to render its laws unenforceable. We don’t want to take over corporations and make them more “socially responsible.” We want to build a counter-economy of open-source information, neighborhood garage manufacturing, Permaculture, encrypted currency and mutual banks, leaving the corporations to die on the vine along with the state.

We do not hope to reform the existing order. We intend to serve as its grave-diggers.” –Kevin Carson, Why Import Evgeny Morozov When Tom Franks and Andy Keens are Out of Work??


“The solution is not to seize the state, to seize control of the hierarchies controlling the dominant political and economic institutions, nor to displace the existing ruling class in control of them. So long as these hierarchies exist, they’ll simply create new ruling classes to replace the old ones. The only solution is to secede from their rule, to bypass them, to make them obsolete, to build a new society in which they are no longer needed.” –Kevin Carson, Meet the New Baas, Same as the Old Baas

Below is a list of common questions we receive, and our attempts to provide brief but informative answers. Send questions to:

  1. What Does C4SS Do? & How Does C4SS Do It?
  2. So You Want to Write for C4SS?
  3. Definitions and Distinctions.
  4. Additional Definitions and Distinctions.
  5. What is market anarchism?
  6. What is a government or state?
  7. What will a stateless society look like?
  8. Is market anarchism utopian?
  9. Are market anarchists for or against capitalism?
  10. How do market anarchists regard other tendencies within anarchism?
  11. Don’t market anarchists support wage labor, which is completely unanarchistic?
  12. Is market anarchism derived from classical liberalism or socialism?
  13. Since market anarchists support free trade, are they pro-globalization?
  14. Which theory of value do market anarchists subscribe to?
  15. Do market anarchists buy into the “bourgeois nursery tale” of primitive accumulation?
  16. But what about the roads?
  17. Privatization is for neoliberals, right?
  18. How does market anarchism interact with feminist theory?
  19. What do you mean by “vulgar libertarianism”? What is “conflationism”?
  20. How will we get to a stateless society?
  21. What’s with the socially conservative strain of anarcho-capitalism coming out of the Mises Institute and Hans-Hermann Hoppe?
  22. How does market anarchism address the need for social safety nets?
  23. How does market anarchism prevent the economy from being taken over by monopolies, without anti-trust regulations and other restrictions on corporate abuses of power?
  24. What’s the difference between “market anarchism” and “anarcho-capitalism”?
  25. How would Dual Power and Agorism Create a Free Society?
  26. How Do Market Anarchists See Property?

Market Anarchist Theory

  1. Studies.
  2. Books.
  3. Classics.
  4. Markets Not Capitalism — Introduction.
  5. Introducing the Mutual Exchange Symposium.
  6. The Freed Market.
  7. The Iron Fist Behind the Invisible Hand.
  8. Big Business and the Rise of American Statism.
  9. Studies in Carsonian Mutualism.
  10. Is Property Theft?
  11. Anarchism Without Hyphens & The Left/Right Spectrum.
  12. Libertarian Anarchism: Responses to Ten Objections.
  13. Advocates of Freed Markets Should Embrace “Anti-Capitalism”
  14. Six Theses of Libertarian Rhetoric.
  15. Five Libertarian Reforms Millennials Should Be Fighting For.
  16. An Open Letter to the Turkish Protestors.
  17. An Open Letter to the Greek People.
  18. What is Left-Libertarianism?
  19. Left-Libertarianism: Its Past, Its Present, Its Prospects.
  20. Why I Am a Left Libertarian.
  21. Anarcho-“Capitalism” is Impossible.
  22. Anarchism and Capitalism: A Revisitation.
  23. Why Market Exchange Doesn’t Have to Lead to Capitalism.
  24. Capitalism, Not Technological Unemployment, is the Problem.
  25. Libertarian Left: Free-Market Anti-Capitalism, The Unknown Ideal.
  26. Anarchism Without Adjectives.
  27. The Star Fraction — Introduction to the American Edition.
  28. What puts the “Left” in “Libertarian Left”?
  29. How (and Why) to Be a Free Market Radical Leftist.
  30. Who Owns the Benefit? The Free Market as Full Communism.