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MER is back for 2024! If you’re wondering what the show format will look like this year, please take a look at the 2023 (and early 2024) Director’s Report, which details how we’ll be handling various shows this year. We won’t be publishing every month, but I hope to put out more MER content than…
Jacob Hornberger Keeps Getting the Welfare State Wrong…
…along with a lot of other things. Back in November, at Future of Freedom, Jacob Hornberger wrote: “America’s welfare state way of life is based on the notion that the federal government is needed to force people to be good and caring to others.” To which I responded:  Um, no. America’s welfare state way of…
“Tragedy of the Commons” Part II
It Really Does Depend on the Context
“Tragedy of the Commons” Part I
Against Campism and Nationalism on Ukraine
I haven’t talked much about Putin’s invasion of Ukraine since it occurred, mostly just sharing Ukrainian voices and chastising a now former friend for calling for a NATO enforced no fly zone (e.g. shooting down a nuclear power’s planes). There’s something grotesque about the way slaughter can be turned into posturing discourse among the comfortable…
The “Who” (not “What”)
Might Doesn’t Determine Right…
Funding Worker Cooperatives: A Solution
Book Review: It’s OK To Be Angry About Capitalism
Sanders’ book centers on two tasks facing the American people. He states them at the outset. First: These Americans [the predominantly younger voters who supported Sanders’ candidacy] understand that proposals that tinker around the edges are an insufficient response to the enormous crises we face. For them, there is a rapidly growing recognition that this…
Review: African Anarchism – The History of a Movement
Earthseed for Anarchists
Labadie Reviews Nock
The Rentier Economy, Vulture Capital, and Enshittification
  The Rentier Economy, Vulture Capital, and Enshittification   There is a crime here that goes beyond denunciation. There is a sorrow here that weeping cannot symbolize. There is a failure here that topples all our success. The fertile earth, the straight tree rows, the sturdy trunks, and the ripe fruit. And children dying of…
Karl Hess: A Life on the (Right) Left (and Right)
Intellectual Property: A Libertarian Critique — 2nd Edition (2009, 2023)
The Undeclared Condominium: The USSR As Partner in a Conservative World Order