Tag: police
Terwijl wij streven naar een samenleving van de menselijke maat – die niet bereikt kan worden zonder het cultiveren van respect voor vrijheid en autonomie – zouden wij ook respect moeten hebben voor wapenbezit voor alle verantwoordelijke individuen.
Darian Worden: Strengthen liberty and autonomy, not government.
Goodman: “Serve and protect?” Not so much.
Darian Worden: The state is made of authoritarian power relations backed by force — and of people who have the power to say “no.”
Darian Worden comments on a recent Liberty on Tour video.
Darian Worden on the verdict of the Oscar Grant murder trial.
Darian Worden: US military intervention in Costa Rica is an escalation of the War over Drugs.
Teachers are suspended for teaching about police encounters.
Kevin Carson on American degeneration into a caste society.
Kevin Carson on the internal contradictions of statism.
Thomas L. Knapp on new passport requirements.
Kevin Carson: “Police, like other criminal gangs, use terror to intimidate those they rule into submission, intimidate snitches out of testifying against their crimes, and prey upon those living on their ‘turf.'”
Thomas L. Knapp: calls for reform in law enforcement don’t get to the root of the problem.
C4SS Research Associate Kevin Carson: “If it had been dreamed up by Satan himself in the bowels of Hell, the War on Drugs couldn’t be more diabolically calculated to destroy our liberties and promote the cause of evil in the world.”
The recent brutal taser assault on a UCLA student dramatically demonstrates the inequality of authority inherent to government. As such inequality is unnecessary to the provision of security services, government should be abolished.