Tag: police brutality
At his blog Pro Libertate, William Norman Grigg recently weighed the pros and cons of resisting arrest. His somber conclusion: “Resistance may be dangerous, but submission is frequently fatal.” The topic of resisting arrest is familiar territory for Grigg. He regularly explores the legal evolution of resisting, as well as the reasons people may feel…
Jason Lee Byas: Essas tragédias não foram eventos fortuitos. Foram resultado direto do governo político, de seu monopólio da violência “legítima,” e da psicologia do direito de cometê-la, atiçada por sua autoridade.
Jason Lee Byas: These tragedies were not random flukes. They were a direct result of political government, its monopoly on “legitimate” violence, and the psychology of entitlement bred by its authority.
Carson: As anarchist Rudolf Rocker pointed out, civil liberties aren’t granted by governments; where governments recognize them, they do so because the people forced them to.
Carson: With crime rates low, cops try to defend their hyper-militarization.
David S. D’Amato on living under the jackboot of the state’s monopoly on protective services.
Kevin Carson on American degeneration into a caste society.
Kevin Carson on the internal contradictions of statism.