Tag: intellectual property
Comes Around, Goes Around
The reigning king of intellectual “property” litigiousness looks to be on the receiving end for a little of what it’s been dishing out.
Rob Reiner: Funny as Ever
Carson: Meathead versus reality.
Liberty and Creativity
Darian Worden on how creativity fosters freedom, and freedom promotes creativity.
The War on Copyright Nazism: We Win Some, We Lose Some
C4SS Research Associate Kevin Carson on the recent wins and losses on the IP front in the struggle of the productive class.
Copyright Communism?
Kevin Carson: “I declare myself the enemy of Gates, the MPAA and RIAA, and a friend of Adam Smith. If this be communism, then make the most of it.”
The Copyright Nazis’ Latest Venue: Newspapers
Kevin Carson on the failing business models of state-allied media.
What this Country Needs is a Good Pirated Version of Kindle E-Books
C4SS Research Associate Kevin Carson: Will somebody PLEASE hack the Amazon Kindle?
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory