Tag: free market anticapitalism
Libertarian Left: Free-Market Anti-Capitalism, The Unknown Ideal
Sheldon Richman: Libertarianism is premised on the dignity and self-ownership of the individual, which sexism and racism deny. Thus all forms of collectivist hierarchy undermine the libertarian attitude and hence the prospects for a free society.
La Socialdemocracia como “Socialismo” de Altos Costos Fijos
Kevin Carson: En otras palabras, como genuino libertario de libre mercado, soy — a diferencia de los socialdemócratas y “progresistas” — un verdadero socialista.
Social Democracy as High-Overhead “Socialism”
Kevin Carson: As a genuine free market libertarian, I want labor to receive the full value of its product, without paying tribute to big landlords and usurers or the holders of artificial “property” rights like patents, copyrights and licenses.
Support C4SS with Charles Johnson’s “Libertarianism Through Thick and Thin”
For every copy of Charles Johnson’s “Libertarianism Through Thick and Thin” that you purchase through the Distro, C4SS will receive a percentage.
Support C4SS with Benjamin Tucker’s “Free Market Anti-Capitalism?”
For every copy of Benjamin Tucker’s “Free Market Anti-Capitalism?” that you purchase through the Distro, C4SS will receive a percentage.
Advocates of Freed Markets Should Embrace “Anti-Capitalism” on YouTube
From the Markets Not Capitalism audiobook read by C4SS fellow Stephanie Murphy.
Support C4SS with Dyer Lum’s “The Economics of Anarchy”
For every copy of Dyer Lum’s “The Economics of Anarchy” that you purchase through the Distro, C4SS will receive a percentage.
Kevin Carson on Adam vs. The Man
A hint of the subjects covered: Vulgar libertarianism, labor theory of value, FMAC mutualism, economies of scale, human scale production…
Automarginalização Libertária
Kevin Carson: Se eu achasse que “livres mercados” e “livre comércio” realmente significassem o que locutores neoliberais dizem significar essas expressões, eu também odiaria essas coisas.
Additional Definitions and Distinctions
A prompt from a reader to consolidate some sketches.
On the Shoulders of Giants
Carson: We’ve been coalescing like a liquid metal Terminator into a self-conscious movement, dedicated to using the master’s tools to tear down the master’s house.
C4SS at Libertopia
Chat with Gary Chartier, Roderick Long, Charles Johnson, and Sheldon Richman!
Markets Freed From Capitalism by Charles Johnson on YouTube
From the Markets Not Capitalism audiobook read by C4SS fellow Stephanie Murphy.
The Wobblies and Free Market Labor Struggle
Carson: Rather than negotiating on the bosses’ terms under the Wagner rules, we should be using network resistance and asymmetric warfare techniques to make the bosses beg us for a contract.
“Building the Structure of the New Society Within the Shell of the Old”
The capital and land of the rich is worthless to them without a supply of labor to produce surplus value.
Open-Mouth Sabotage, Networked Resistance, and Asymmetric Warfare on the Job
Carson: As more and more disgruntled workers figure out the possibilities, it will be impossible to put the genie back in the bottle.
Markets Not Capitalism Audiobook on Youtube
Stay tuned to this channel for additional chapters.
Capitalism Without Capitalists?
If there are no capitalists pocketing the productivity gains for themselves, then the gains must go somewhere else.
The Anti-Statist
“We on the left need a good shake to get us thinking, and these arguments for market anarchism do the job in lively and thoughtful fashion.”
Libertarian Self-Marginalization
Carson: If I thought “free markets” and “free trade” really meant what neoliberal talking heads mean by them, I’d hate them too.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory