“States’ Rights” Are Statist Rubbish
Thomas L. Knapp explains that only the people have rights.
The Monstrous Hypocrisy of Nancy Pelosi
Alex R. Knight III on the irony of government officials solemnly denouncing violence.
Obama: Tsk it, Tax it, Lie if George Unmasks it
Thomas L. Knapp examines the words of the powerful.
Rocket Men: The “Missile Defense” Con Game
Thomas L. Knapp explains that missile defense schemes are entirely corporate welfare scams.
How Digital Copyright Treats Consumers Like Enemies
Kevin Carson: “This business model obviously couldn’t survive in a freed market, unless there’s a niche market for media platforms tailored to the needs of sadomasochists.”
March Away From, Not On, Washington
Alex R. Knight III suggests not giving them the satisfaction of acting like they matter.
They All Lie!
Thomas L. Knapp on the Joe Wilson brouhaha.
Cannibal Care
Thomas L. Knapp describes predatory ObamaCare in brief.
Put Not Your Faith in Princes
Kevin Carson explains why government is inevitably the way it is.
Your Obligation to Not Vote
Alex R. Knight III advises abstaining from beans.
No Such Thing As Majority Rule
Thomas L. Knapp on elections.
On Education: Class Warfare
Thomas L. Knapp: “There’s nothing new about using the public schools as political indoctrination centers…”
On Conservative Hypocrisy: John, You’re Only Dancing
Alex R. Knight III on those who are alternately anti-statist and statist according to their political convenience at the moment.
Steal This Column
Thomas L. Knapp on so-called “intellectual property”: “…big money got to be big money by using government to restrain trade and ban competition.”
The State Versus the Social Contract
Thomas L. Knapp says Hobbes got it wrong.
Mother, Should I Trust the Government?
Kevin Carson: “Keith Olbermann has really gone over the top with his sanctimonious attacks on ‘conspiracy theorists’ and people who ‘actually fear their own government.'”
Torture: No Pardons, No Excuses for the Real Terrorists
Alex R. Knight III on apologists for evil.
Election Fraud? Elections Are a Fraud!
Thomas L. Knapp says run-of-the-mill allegations of election fraud miss the point.
Politics and the Fear Factor
Thomas L. Knapp says exploiting fear for political gain is nothing new.
Hey Vermont, Stop “Protecting” Me!
Alex R. Knight III on the “consumer protection” scam.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory