Dear C4SS Supporters,
First the bad news, then the good.
The bad: I’ve only identified three pickups of C4SS op-eds this week:
- Counterpunch ran “Charles Koch Has No Power to Coerce Anybody; That’s Why He Needs Government,” as “The Koch Bros., ALEC and the Power of the State,”on April 2.
- Also in Counterpunch on April 5, my own “I’m Already Against the Next War and You Should Be Too.”
- Taiwan’s China Post published my “Spamhaus v. Cyberbunker: More than meets the eye in Web battle” on April 3.
So, not really bad news. And the good news items are: The low pickup rate is probably a hangover from a couple of weeks of lower submissions rates, and we got those submissions rates back up this week, sending out 10,866 submissions to 2,762 publications worldwide (two of our four published op-eds were global in scope rather than germane only to the United States). So I expect a pickup on pickups this coming week.
Have a great weekend!
Yours in liberty,
Tom Knapp
Media Coordinator
Center for a Stateless Society