Daily Molotov: January 16, 2017

Welcome to the Daily Molotov, all the news that’s fit to hit the state with. Here are some of today’s important headlines.

From the New York TimesHey, listen, we’re all screwed.

Also from the New York Times: One of the Samsung heirs might be going to jail. And Trump’s connections to Russia go back three decades.

From the Washington PostSome members of the Deep State were “NeverTrump” folks, and they’re probably gonna be ignored.

Also from the Washington Post: Monica Crowley won’t take the National Security Council job because she plagiarized from a foot doctor. Over 30 Democrats will be skipping the inauguration.

From PoliticoDonald Trump is by no means a uniter. Also, Gene Cernan, the last person to walk on the Moon, has died at 82.

From SlateThat whole overtime raise thing didn’t happen. Also, Trump at one point called Russia “our biggest problem” before running for president.

From Infoshop NewsDisruptJ20 was filmed by some nerds called “Project Veritas,” and have released a statement accordingly.

From Anarchist NewsHere are some resources for #DisruptJ2o.

From Antiwar NewsShockingly, Iran doesn’t want to renegotiate its nuclear deal.

From CrimethInc.A history of counter-inauguration protests.

From LibcomA look back on Obama’s deportation regime.

Thanks for reading the Daily Molotov, curated for C4SS by Trevor Hultner. You can submit news tips to, tweet at us either at @c4ssdotorg or @trevor_c4ss, or leave a comment below. Your continued support of the Center for a Stateless Society means we can continue to roll out new features like this.

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