Tag: pot
Why I Support the First Church of Cannabis
On July first, the Indiana based First Church of Cannabis, plans to hold a service in which members will  smoke marijuana. Last week, the church was granted tax exempt status by the IRS and members hope this will mean big donations. It also means the church can more credibly use Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act, as…
Don’t Regulate Marijuana like Alcohol — Keep Government Out! on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents James C. Wilson‘s “Don’t Regulate Marijuana like Alcohol — Keep Government Out!” read by Joey Clark and edited by Nick Ford. “Supporters of marijuana prohibition are not getting any younger. More than 213 million Americans live in jurisdictions with some form of legal marijuana use. Growing numbers recognize marijuana as a means of…
Non Regolate la Marijuana Come gli Alcolici – Tenete Fuori lo Stato!
Il venti febbraio, i parlamentari americani Jared Polis (democratico, Colorado) e Earl Blumenauer (democratico, Oregon) hanno presentato due nuove proposte di legge che mirano alla legalizzazione della marijuana a livello federale. La pratica di arrestare, multare, opprimere e stigmatizzare chi usa la marijuana è un fatto tragico che ha danneggiato l’esistenza di tanti. La fine…
Don’t Regulate Marijuana like Alcohol — Keep Government Out!
On February 20, US Representatives Jared Polis (D-CO) and Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) introduced two new bills for federal marijuana legalization. The US government’s practice of imprisoning, fining, harassing and stigmatizing marijuana users is tragic and has damaged many lives. Ending prohibition is a welcome change, but these bills have severe problems. If passed, they would turn marijuana…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist And Chess Review 47
David S. D’ Amato discusses the political economy of Benjamin Tucker. Tom Engelhardt discusses how America made ISIS. Peter Harling discusses how ISIS is back in business. Jacob Sullum discusses pot related prisoners of the War on Drugs. Ronald Bailey discusses whether immigrants are more likely to commit crime or not. Kevin Carson discusses Reason…