Thom Holterman

Thom Holterman is emeritus professor of Constitutional and Administrative Law at Erasmus University, Rotterdam. He holds a PhD in the science of law with the thesis Law and Political Organization: a study of convergence in views on law and political organization of some anarchists and some legal scholars (Rotterdam, 1986). Besides having written a number of books on law and anarchism in Dutch, together with Henc van Maarseveen he published the anthology Law and Anarchism (Montreal, 1984). Recently he published his first book in French, L'Anarchisme, c'est réglé! Un exposé anarchiste sur le droit (Lyon, 2013). Holterman is an editor of the Dutch anarchist quarterly De AS, since the early 1970's.


Two Foundational Elements of Statelessness
04 Sep 2014
Books and Reviews
Geography and Anarchy: A Libertarian Social Order As Goal
27 Jun 2014
Books and Reviews