Media Coordinator Update, 12/17/10

Dear C4SS Supporters,

This week I submitted 10,027 Center op-eds to 2,689 publications (on every continent except Antarctica).

Our op-eds were picked up by:

If there’s any part of my job I don’t like, it’s trying to figure out the difference between “mainstream media,” “movement media,” “some guy’s blog,” etc. I’d rather not make such distinctions, for two reasons. One is that none of those classifications is inherently “better” than another. The second is that the distinctions are becoming increasingly blurry.

But, I have to try — because trying to list every reprint, link to or mention of C4SS or one of our articles would be like standing in front of a full-on fire hose and trying to drink it all without spilling a drop (that’s a good problem to have, by the way). And since “mainstream media” is my job’s main focus, that (or something like it: probably gets more traffic than all but the very largest “straight news” sites) is what gets the limelight here.

If I get it wrong — if you ran a C4SS reprint, if you think you’re “mainstream media,” and if I missed you — I apologize. And just in case, I’m going to start handing out a little link love each week to sites that I notice are featuring C4SS material, mentioning the Center, etc.

Sites like Infoshop News, The Bastiat Institute, The Libertarian Standard, Panchromatica, Anarchist news dot org, and Orange Juice, for example. Thank you for using our material and/or talking us up!

If your site or blog didn’t make the list this week, it’s not your fault, or anyone’s for that matter. It’s that fire hose thing. I’ll try to acknowledge a few of you each week, because you deserve it. I can acknowledge only a few of you each week, because if I acknowledged all of you this week I’d still be Googling, typing and linking this time next week.

Speaking of weeks, have a great weekend!

Yours in liberty,
Tom Knapp
Media Coordinator
Center for a Stateless Society

Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory