Some thoughts in the final hours before life under Trump


Well, here it is. The final hours before Donald Trump takes his place at the head of the United States. Starting at 12:00 pm Friday, Trump will control the military, influence domestic and foreign policy, and lay the groundwork for future generations.

We’re all fucking doomed, but I’ve come to terms with this.

I’m not ready for tomorrow. Nobody I know is. The future has never been as uncertain in my memory as it is right now, and maybe it never has been. What I do know for sure, however, is that we have to fight.

What am I fighting for? I’ve been thinking about that question a lot over the past 70+ days since the election. Who am I fighting for, and more importantly, with?

I look at my friends and loved ones who are going to be hit hardest by Trump’s policies. I’m fighting for them. I look at the people the last president unfairly imprisoned for a variety of reasons – whose lives are about to get that much worse under Trump. I’m fighting for them. I’m looking at a door that is steadily closing on a free world for everyone. I’m fighting to keep that door open.

Part of me is motivated by fear, but underneath that thin peel of fear is a thick core of love. I fight for the people in my life who are set to be destroyed by the incoming administration because I love them. I can’t fucking explain to you how much I love them. I love everyone I work with here at the Center, I love my friends, my partner, my parents… I want them to come out of the next potentially horrendous four years and be okay.

I am determined to make sure they are okay on the other side of this nightmare.

Let’s begin.


Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory