Tag: Workers’ Party
The Rise and Fall of the Workers’ Party
The next few hours are going to define how Dilma Rousseff will leave office (the later vote in the Senate, if called upon, will be pro forma), but the rule of the Workers’ Party in Brazil undoubtedly has come to an end. The result of impeachment vote is of little importance: we already know that…
Workers Already Pay the Price for Sellout Unionism
Ongoing Brazilian Federal Police investigations of construction companies involved in the billion-dollar Petrobras bribery scandal have predictably ruffled some feathers. Naturally, many who worry about the investigations wear white collars. However, according to the president of the Unified Workers Central (CUT) Vagner Freitas, if we put the suits behind bars, the biggest losers will be……
Political Reform: The New Government Buzzword
After the large scale protests throughout Brazil last Sunday, politicians, bureaucrats and the pro-government media are hurrying to talk about “political reform” as an answer to popular dissatisfaction — as opposed to the “coup-supporting” opposition who longs for president Dilma Rousseff’s impeachment. Marcelo Zero, for instance, preaches the party line and states that “those who…
Leninismo Corporativo
Dilma Rousseff, durante la campagna elettorale per la presidenza del Brasile, accusò la rivale Marina Silva di voler “svendere ai banchieri” il controllo dell’economia brasiliana. Perché il bluff elettorale funzionasse, gli elettori avrebbero dovuto credere che i banchieri oggi non possono dettare le linee guida della politica economica nazionale. Non ci crede neanche Dilma: Appena…
Corporate Leninism
Dilma Rousseff, in her bid for re-election to the presidency of Brazil, stated that opponent Marina Silva intended to “give away to the bankers” control of the Brazilian economy. Dilma’s electoral bluff assumed that voters would believe that bankers are nowadays unable to dictate the path the national economy should take. Not even Dilma believes this…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory