Tag: Protests
Hapishanelerin Lağvedilmesi Uygulanabilir Bir Yöntemdir
Okumak üzere olduğunuz makale, Nathan Goodman tarafından kaleme alınmış, 26 Temmuz 2013 tarihinde C4SS’de yayınlanmıştır. Efsa tarafından Türkçe ‘ye çevrilmiştir. Kaliforniya’da mahkumlar korkunç insan hakları ihlallerine karşı mücadele ediyor. Bu yazının yazıldığı zamanlar üçüncü haftasına giren açlık grevine yaklaşık 1,000 mahkum katılmaya devam ediyordu. Grev başladığında 30,000 mahkum yemek yemeyi reddetmişti. Mahkumlar, BM, John McCain…
Advice for Surviving and Thriving in Lock Up
Since the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, a number of protesters and rioters of the dumpster-fire and ski-mask variety have found themselves detained for noble acts that change the world– like toppling statues of racists or torching cop cars or inflicting necessary violence. No good deed, it seems, goes unpunished. But, many of these…
Il Cile e il Limite dei Neoliberali
Di Camilo Gómez. Originale pubblicato il 16 novembre 2019 con il titolo Chile and the Limits of Neoliberalism. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Foto di Susana Hidalgo, Instagram Numerose proteste attraversano l’America Latina e il mondo, ma quelle cilena assume i connotati di un deciso rifiuto del neoliberalismo. In passato il Cile era additato come esempio…
Chile and the Limits of Neoliberalism
Photo credit: Susana Hidalgo, Instagram There are many protests throughout Latin America and the world right now, but the revolt in Chile is a particularly sharp rejection of neoliberalism. Chile has been sold as a model economy in the region that allegedly promotes the “free market” while constructing solid institutions. The reality is that Chile’s…
The J20 Story We Should Have Told
Just recently, on May 31st, Judge Robert Morin dismissed charges against one group of J20 defendants on the basis of prosecutorial misconduct. This is, of course, excellent news, but this isn’t what I’m interested in. See, this is the first time that I’ve seen the J20 victims in the news since January 20, when there…
In the Brazilian Protests
Last Sunday (March the 13th) I attended the protests against president Dilma Rousseff in Rio — and all was not well. My friends and I were violently antagonized by a subset of the protesters and the police had to intervene for our safety.  This is my side of the story, accompanied by my thoughts on what…
Political Reform: The New Government Buzzword
After the large scale protests throughout Brazil last Sunday, politicians, bureaucrats and the pro-government media are hurrying to talk about “political reform” as an answer to popular dissatisfaction — as opposed to the “coup-supporting” opposition who longs for president Dilma Rousseff’s impeachment. Marcelo Zero, for instance, preaches the party line and states that “those who…
The Sorry Spectacle of the Widows of the Dictatorship
Many people in Brazil are still rather sympathetic to the military dictatorship that ruled the country until the 1980s. It isn’t uncommon to hear from older people that, back then, jobs were plenty, public education was decent, and violence was not out of control — that the country was in order. Sure it was. But…
Brazil is Going to Burn, Again
On Thursday, March 13, in interrogating Juliano Torres, executive-director of the Brazilian chapter of Students For Liberty (Estudantes Pela Liberdade – EPL), the Brazilian Federal Police (Polícia Federal) made sure they had all his travel records at hand to make their intimidation tactics appear even punchier. The Federal Police has been summoning for questions (or,…
Being Revolutionary, Being Statist
One of Brazil’s largest newspapers, O Estado de S. Paulo, recently published a few articles on the 50th anniversary of the military takeover of the Brazilian government. One of them, written by an Army general (“A árvore boa,” by Rômulo Bini Pereira) has had some repercussion due to its positive and rose-tinted appraisal of the so…
Prison Abolition is Practical
In California, prisoners are fighting back against appalling human rights violations. Their hunger strike is into its third week, with nearly 1,000 inmates still participating. When the strike began, 30,000 prisoners refused meals. The prisoners are striking against long term solitary confinement, a punishment recognized as a form of torture by sources as diverse as…
A Moral Spring
Direct action — peaceful, dignified, civil disobedience — is practiced when one wishes to purposely break the law for a social, economic or environmental purpose. It is proper, even necessary, to disobey the law when human rights are at stake. It is proper to challenge the status quo. It is proper to challenge power structures and it is…
Understanding the Violence in Yemen
It’s a textbook case of blowback.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory