Tag: nypd
NYPD Strike Exposes Empty Narrative on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Ryan Calhoun‘s “NYPD Strike Exposes Empty Narrative” read by Thomas J Webb and edited by Nick Ford. Ismaaiyl Brinsley was by all accounts a loose cannon, armed not to preserve justice but to hurt the most opportune targets. However, that will not be his legacy. The consequence of his actions that day may have…
Sciopero della Polizia e Parole Vuote
Buone notizie per tutti! La polizia di New York è in sciopero. La settimana scorsa, gli arresti sono crollati del 66% rispetto alle previsioni annuali, mentre le multe per gli automobilisti sono giù del 94%. Risultato: New York non è finita nel caos. Non c’è stato lo spara spara per le strade. Non c’è stato…
NYPD Strike Exposes Empty Narratives
Good news, everyone! The police of New York City are on strike. Over the past week, arrests rate have dropped by 66% versus annual expectations, with traffic enforcement down 94%. As a result, New York did not rip itself apart in a wave of disorder. People were not executed on the street. Society did not collapse. This poses a…
“Protect and Serve?” More like Hate and Fear
The recent trajectory of events leading up to the shooting of NYPD officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos, and the nationwide police backlash afterward, have made it clearer than ever how police feel about the public they supposedly protect and serve: they’re terrified of us. For more than twenty years, the Drug War and associated…
Where’s Eric Garner’s Amargosa? on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Ryan Calhoun‘s “Where’s Eric Garner’s Amargosa?” read and edited by Nick Ford. One might object to a comparison between these situations. The Amargosa police department has four patrolling officers, the NYPD thousands. The weaponry of the Amargosa police department is meager, that of NYPD military-grade. Surely the best way to remember Garner is…
Dov’è la Amargosa di Eric Garner?
Nella città brasiliana di Amargosa, i cittadini sono scesi in strada dopo che un proiettile vagante sparato da un poliziotto ha colpito e ucciso una bambina di un anno. La folla si è diretta immediatamente verso la stazione di polizia, ha liberato le persone che erano rinchiuse, ha preso le armi di proprietà dello stato…
Where’s Eric Garner’s Amargosa?
In the city of Amargosa in Brazil, citizens took to the streets after a stray bullet fire by a local police officer struck and killed a one-year-old girl. But they didn’t stay in the streets. They quickly took the police station, freeing prisoners, jacking state-owned weaponry and burning the station and police vehicles to the ground. In the end,…
Missing Comma: the #myNYPD Anti-campaign is Not a PR Failure
What happens when the New York Police Department – famous for its racial profiling, Stop and Frisk, spying on Muslims, ripping people’s testicles out and beating up and groping protesters – tries to use Twitter to improve its public relations image? Well, people who have been stop-and-frisked, racially profiled, spied on, beat up and groped…
Cops: Money Good, Neighborhood Bad.
Darian Worden on the invasive nature of the state.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory