Tag: food
Il Caro Prezzo degli Alimenti a Basso Prezzo
Di David S. D’Amato. Originale pubblicato il 15 febbraio 2022 con il titolo Cheap Food Comes with a Big Price. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Cosa pensare di quei sedicenti “free-marketer” che vedono nel capitalismo globale una realizzazione dei loro valori? Visto il ruolo ingombrante e determinante della violenza di stato nella nascita del capitalismo globale,…
Cheap Food Comes with a Big Price Tag
It’s never been easy to know what to make of self-styled free-marketers who see global capitalism as a real-life instantiation of their values. Given the deep and decisive role of state violence in the creation of global capitalism, they’re either unaware of the basic facts, and so unqualified for their positions, or engaged in a…
ALF’s Vandalism of Non-Profit, Strategic and Appropriate
At first glance, Missoula, Montana’s agricultural non-profit, Garden City Harvest, might seem like an ill-advised target for the Animal Liberation Front’s graffiti. By most accounts, Garden City Harvest does some fantastic work in its local community. According to GCH’s website, its mission is “to build community through agriculture by growing food with and for people…
Angela Davis Defends Animals, Others Oppressed
Writing at RenewAmerica, Cliff Kincaid takes Angela Davis to task for “going vegan” (“Black Power icon goes vegan to save animals,” September 21, 2016). Rather than actually consider the extreme torture and slaughter of animals perpetrated by humans, Kincaid seems wedded to the standard tactics of other animal oppressors — basing his attack solely on…
The Wonders of Food
Thanksgiving is truly a great holiday. I’ve always enjoyed the day — how it feels, smells, and of course, tastes. As a college instructor, I’m fond of Turkey Day because it comes at the end of a long Fall semester. Thanksgiving offers some needed down time right before the total chaos that rings in the…
Agricoltura Intensiva: Chi È il Vero Statalista?
Nell’ambiente dei movimenti libertari dominanti l’accusa di “statalismo” è solitamente rivolta contro una serie di obiettivi facilmente immaginabili. Chiunque lamenti il razzismo, il sessismo o altri argomenti di giustizia sociale, lo sfruttamento economico dei lavoratori o il degrado ambientale è automaticamente accusato di statalismo sulla base del ragionamento secondo cui lo sfruttamento, l’ingiustizia e l’inquinamento…
Factory Farming: Who are the Real Statists Here?
In the mainstream libertarian movement, accusations of “statism” typically focus on a fairly predictable set of targets. Anyone who complains of racism, sexism or other social justice issues, the economic exploitation of workers or degradation of the environment is reflexively accused of statism on the assumption that exploitation, injustice and pollution could only be problems…
The So-Called Green Revolution
Plantation agriculture is able to outcompete the peasant proprietor only through “preferential access to credit and government-subsidized technology….”
Get a Taste of Some Nutritious Freedom
Darian Worden: Don’t look to government to safeguard your food quality.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory