Tag: Extinction
Bagaimana Negara Menciptakan Ekosida
Oleh: Joseph Parampathu. Teks aslinya berjudul “How the State Enables Ecocide?”, diterjemahkan oleh Ameyuri Ringo. Pada tahun pertama penguncian yang diguncang oleh berbagai kerusuhan sosial, cuaca ekstrem, dan ketidakjelasan pemerintah, menjadikan ketidakmampuan dan keengganan kelas penguasa untuk melakukan perubahan menjadi sesuatu yang tidak dapat terbantahkan lagi. Tidak akan ada perbaikan maupun pertanggungjawaban. Komoditisasi binatang misalnya…
Ecocidi col Sigillo di Stato
Joseph Parampathu. Originale: How the State Enables Ecocide. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. In questo primo anno di quarantena costante, turbato ovunque da disordini sociali, la tropicalizzazione del clima e l’inettitudine diffusa degli stati, è chiara l’incapacità totale, la riluttanza, delle classi di governo ad operare un qualche cambiamento sostanziale. Nessun aiuto per le persone, nessuna…
How the State Enables Ecocide
In the first year of constant quarantine, rocked by worldwide social unrest, extreme tropical weather, and widespread government ineptitude, the complete inability and unwillingness of the ruling classes to make any substantive changes is clear. There will not be any relief and there is no reckoning. Commoditizing living animals has created the perfect conditions for…
Neighborhood Environmentalism: Protecting Biodiversity
The environment, specifically climate change, is recieving some much deserved attention as of late. Discussion of climate change is healthy and necessary, but it seems the politico-media complex exclusively discusses climate, leaving other urgent crises to fall under the radar. One such crisis is Earth’s impending sixth mass extinction. We live in a time of precipitous biodiversity loss — on…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory