C4SS functions on the enthusiasm of our writers, but it is the continued donations of our supporters that keeps us going and growing. We have big plans and even bigger dreams for the Center.
Fundraising is not begging or charity. Fundraising is a barometer of success, support and professionalism. It is about offering an opportunity to participate in the project, the task at hand. So we ask you, dear supporters, let us know how we are doing and play a crucial part in our success.
Imagine what we could do, if our 3,478 facebook fans donated just $5. That would be – gulp – $17,390. We would bring on more paid writers, review books and submit more articles to mainstream publications, no doubt we would get more ground breaking books from Kevin Carson, host and attend conferences and colloquium, better website, plan events… we would go on the offensive.
Now, Imagine what we could do with $10.
Support the Center and we will go on the offensive!
ALL the best,
–James Tuttle