Tag: U.S. empire
Così l’Unione Sovietica Ha Vinto la Guerra Fredda
Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato il 10 novembre 2014 con il titolo How the Soviet Union Won the Cold War. Traduzione italiana di Enrico Sanna. Non so quando questo articolo vedrà la luce. Al momento di scrivere, tutto il mondo celebra, con giusto entusiasmo, la caduta della Cortina di Ferro avvenuta venticinque anni fa. Durante…
Cómo la Unión Soviética ganó la Guerra Fría
Kevin Carson. Artículo original: How the Soviet Union Won the War, del  10 de noviembre de 2014. Traducción al español de Vince Cerberus. No sé cuándo se imprimirá esta columna, pero mientras la escribo, personas de todo el mundo celebran, con legítimo entusiasmo, la caída del Telón de Acero hace 25 años. Durante la Guerra Hispanoamericana, William…
Sii Buona, Google!
Il sito Antiwar.com (un nome che dice tutto) il diciotto marzo ha annunciato la decisione di Google Adsense di sospendere il suo conto, risorsa fondamentale per stare online, per aver pubblicato foto di torture e abusi scattate nella prigione militare di Abu Ghraib in Iraq (Eric Garris, “Google Disables All Ads on Antiwar.com,” 18 marzo)….
Hey, Google — Don’t Be Evil!
The website Antiwar.com (whose name is self-explanatory) announced March 18 that Google Adsense had suspended its account — a major source of the revenue it needs to stay online — for publishing new photos of torture and abuse from the Abu Ghraib military prison in Iraq (Eric Garris, “Google Disables All Ads on Antiwar.com,” March…
The Imperial Presidency Comes to Kaneohe Klipper’s 16th Hole
Partisan combatants have quickly taken up sides in the public debate over US president Barack Obama’s preemption of a wedding planned by two US Army captains at a course at which he wanted to golf. Obama’s defenders stress that the White House was unaware of the planned wedding until after scheduling the president’s game. They…
How the Soviet Union Won the Cold War
I don’t know when this column will see print, but as I write it people all over the world are celebrating — with rightful enthusiasm — the fall of the Iron Curtain 25 years ago. During the Spanish-American War, William Graham Sumner gave a speech on “The Conquest of the United States by Spain,” in…
Out of Iraq, Etc.!
Nearly a century ago, after four bloody years of World War I, British colonialists created the state of Iraq, complete with their hand-picked monarch. Britain and France were authorized — or, more precisely, authorized themselves — to create states in the Arab world, despite the prior British promise of independence in return for the Arabs’…
What Obama Says with His Bombs
On August 7th, President Obama announced his authorization of targeted strikes over Iraq in order to quell the ongoing Islamic State offensive. Just as important are the statements his administration has made through the actions that followed. The bombs actually started to fall on Friday, announcing without words that the US government’s policy of actively managing Iraqi affairs from afar…
Iraq: Endless Imperial Surgery
U.S. bombs fall on Iraq yet again, in strikes authorized by Barack Obama against the militant Islamist group Islamic State, which has taken over a chunk of the country. Between this and the deployment of US military “advisers,” the memory of Obama’s campaign criticizing war in Iraq on his way to office has grown a…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist And Chess Review 34
Matthew Harwood reviews, Radley Balko’s, Rise of the Warrior Cop: The Militarization of America’s Police Forces Conor Friedersdorf discusses why it shouldn’t be criminal to report government secrets. His view on charging leakers of classified information is not mine, but the piece is good overall. Kurt Wallace interviews Sheldon Richman. Gary Leupp discusses the lie…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist And Chess Review 32
Jacob G. Hornberger discusses why U.S. soldiers aren’t defending our freedoms. Dave Lindorff discusses why the U.S. empire is in decline. Gary M. Galles discusses how compulsion is not cooperation. Jacob G. Hornberger discusses the U.S. support for military coups. Cesar Chelala discusses the CIA and the misuse of public health. Ian Urbina discusses the…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory