Media Coordinator Update, 07/23/11

Dear C4SS supporters,

This week, I’ve submitted 8,402 Center op-eds to 2,801 publications, and am currently tracking six “media pickups” for the week:

Additionally, The Canadian — a national progressive newspaper which has frequently picked up our material in the past has move to a “self-publishing” format. I’ve plugged one piece (Kevin Carson’s “High-Tech Swadeshi”) in there so far, with more to follow. We don’t count self-published material (one other outlet is Salon) in our “pickup” statistics, but we’re still glad to reach those audiences!

I apologize for the tardiness, and the brevity, of this update — as is too frequently the case lately, I’m in the midst of intermittent Internet problems, this time probably due to something going on with my router. I foresee a trip to the electronics store in my immediate future. Have a great weekend!

Yours in liberty,
Tom Knapp
Media Coordinator
Center for a Stateless Society

Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory