Dear C4SS supporters,
The US media list is finally “finished” … and boy are my arms tired! At present, I’ve got 1,985 US newspaper contacts in my database. That will draw down a little as I process bounces, removal requests, etc., but I expect it may grow some as well as I notice publications I missed the first time around. The Canadian list remains at 333 newspapers. I just added 45 English-language newspapers in India, and plan to spend the next week or so working on central and southeast Asia lists.
And we’re definitely starting to get somewhere!
The Christian Science Monitor has informed us that it intends to publish Ross Kenyon’s “Anarchists at the Tea Parties ‘Want to Kill us all in Public Office?'” in its web edition on Monday.
Stacy Litz’s “Philadelphia: The City of Big Brotherly Love” will appear in today’s editions of two Massachusetts newspapers, the Malden Evening News and the Medford Daily Mercury (these are print-only publications, no web editions). I’m told that they’ve carried C4SS columns before, as well. Glad to hear it!
I just heard from the folks at Quebecois Libre in Montreal; they’ve published our material before, and my article “The Market is the Heart of the Organ Matter” will appear in their September 15th edition.
This week, I’ve made 3,655 discrete email op-ed submissions to 2,318 publications.
We’re still holding on, but not advancing, in Google News listings and search results. I still haven’t figured out why. I may seek professional search engine optimization assistance in the near future. Now that the newspaper lists are reasonably in order, I expect to start focusing more attention on radio and television bookings.
That’s this week’s update. Thanks for your support!
Yours in liberty,
Tom Knapp
Media Coordinator
Center for a Stateless Society
PS: Speaking of support, you’ve probably noticed that C4SS is running its fundraiser — this one is to raise operations costs for two months rather than one. I’m paid $640 a month to serve as media coordinator, contribute some writing of my own, and assist with other editorial matters. Because I support the Center’s mission, and because I was out a little last month with medical issues, I intend to donate $100 of my August pay back to the Center [update, 08/28 — done!], as well as paying $30 out of my pocket for our phone service (pre-paid cell — that will extend it into December). If you’re a “matching funds” type of supporter, I’m offering those numbers up for your convenience